Hey Dudes, it's been a week since the last post in sibu. So, I'm going to update wat's going on for the past whole week. I was quite busy after came back to kl coz have to catch up my work after a long holiday. For my side, last month sales was pretty good. The volume of last month can cover this month sales but like wat usiong said, next month target is sky high so have to catch up since this month to make sure i hit the 1st quater target.
I came back last sunday night from sibu-kuching-kl. Weather was pretty bad in Sarawak but i was lucky coz immediately after my flight take off from Sibu to Kuching, it start raining heavily, i heard one of my friend from my hometown saying that the flight that he took 30 mins later than me was like a disaster, he took Airasia Boeing 737 and it shake like hell once it take off and everyone in the flight shout (including the stewardess) coz the flight was unstable due to the bad weather.
Weather in Sarawak was unlike kl during CNY. For the past few years, it rain heavily during CNY but this i thought i was ok coz the 1st 3 days during CNY was damn hot but after that the weather changed and start to rain especially on the day i went back to kl. I was quite impressed with Kuching International Airport coz it just look like a mini version of KLIA. Damn~!
Kuching International Airport has just upgraded the upper concourse so all departures have been diverted to the second floor check in counters. It also have the flyover that passed through the 1st & 2nd floor for Arrival & Departure. Just like KLIA... (the pic was taken from sixthseal.com)
The similarities between Kuching International Airport and KLIA ends at the boarding gates - Kuching International Airport has merchandise counters inside the boarding gates as well. (the pic was taken from sixthseal.com)

I went to
Q-bar (Sibu) last saturday with my friends and meet some other friends that haven't seem them for long time. So here's the pic of some of them:

This is Siaw Yi and me. One of my schoolmate from S.M.K Methodist. She is in Australia as a Pharmacist.

This is Petto and me. She is one of my ex-colleague when i work in Giordano, Sibu during the break after finished my Form Six. She is a Optician right now.

I heard "Money" came back back on last Saturday. My neighbour told me that they went to visit the rich neighbour and saw "money" during CNY at their new house. The rich neighbour told them "money" scratch their front door and also their expensive flooring in the living room. She seems like didnt used to the new environment and they even let money wear sox before entering the house. That's all about "money".
To be continue tomorrow...